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Friday, May 11, 2018

The Very Chill Woman Who Owned InfoWars Is Now an Excellent Meme

The Very Chill Woman Who Owned InfoWars Is Now an Excellent Meme

Last week, VICE contributor Luke O’Neil interviewed podcaster, actress, and socialist Dasha Nekrasova, the extremely chill woman who owned InfoWars on their own broadcast. If you somehow haven’t seen the clip yet, watch it below right now.

Tl;dw, InfoWars’ Ashton Whitty tried to do some “gotcha!” interviews about socialism with people outside a SXSW event featuring Bernie Sanders. While filming, she encountered Nekrasova, who appeared amusingly unfazed by the whole shtick. She said InfoWars personalities have worms in their brains, among other things. It was a hoot.

The original video, titled "Liberals Defend Socialism At Bernie Sanders Event,” seems to have been quietly taken down (you can watch a reupload of the whole cringey thing here), but Nekrasova’s recent tweet made the whole thing go viral again.

Now one of Nekrasova’s best answers from the video has been turned into a pretty damn good, albeit a bit niche, meme. Basically you just apply her snide response to the question “Have you ever heard of Venezuela?” to another #relatable question from your mom or therapist or something, and voila. Enjoy some examples below.

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via VICE

May 10, 2018 at 05:00PM

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