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Thursday, May 17, 2018

Simplest Ways To Find The Exact Google Keyword Planner Search Volume

Simplest Ways To Find The Exact Google Keyword Planner Search Volume

Find Google Keyword Planner Search Volume

Keyword research is the first step towards preparing for your blog post. I’m sure most of you use the Google keyword planner tool to get help in the research. But the problem is Google keyword planner has now stopped showing you the exact search volume of keywords. Instead, it only shows you the range of monthly search volume which is not the correct solution.

If you want to get the exact keyword planner search volume, continue reading.

In this article, I will show you how to find the precise keyword monthly search volume.

Before diving into it, I want to explain the essential keyword metrics that help you find the best profitable keywords for your business.

  1. Keyword search volume: It is the estimate search volume of a particular keyword that people search on Google on a monthly basis. It tells you the maximum potential of a keyword that you are willing to rank in Google’s top positions.
  2. CPC: Cost per click indicates how valuable your keyword is. If more advertisers are bidding the keyword, it means your keyword is more competitive and valuable.
  3. Google AdWord competition: It tells you how popular your keyword is among the advertisers.
  4. Keyword Difficulty: It indicates how hard it is to rank for a keyword on Google’s top positions.

The Google keyword planner tool shows you the first three metrics. It doesn’t tell you anything about the keyword difficulty. So make sure you check the difficulty by using another keyword difficulty tool like KWfinder or SEMrush.

Now let’s get started…

1. By using the Google keyword planner tool itself

The first method to find the exact keyword planner search volume is by using GKP itself. It is effortless and takes only a few seconds to tell you the correct search volume of a keyword upon which you intend to work.

Let me show you how you can use the keyword planner tool to find the estimated volume of keywords.

First, open your Google keyword planner account. Once you are in, type in the keyword in the search bar.

Google keyword planner tool to search for keyword

For instance, if I search for ‘chocolate cake recipe’and hit the ‘get started’ button, it will show you all the related keyword ideas.

No surprise yet, but as you add this keyword to your AdWords review plan, AdWords will start showing you the default estimation of impressions and clicks that you would get if your keyword ranks on top on Google.

But there is a problem. Google’s new keyword planner is not as perfect.

No worries, I have a solution.

Use the old keyword planner console instead of using the new one. Scrolling down to the bottom and click ‘Open previous Keyword Planner’.

Once you’ve done so, you will see the old version of it, which is much more straightforward than the new keyword planner.

Old google keyword planner tool


As you enter in, you need to click the ‘get ideas’ button again. And then click under the ‘add to plan’ shown in the last column.

Ways To Find Exact Google Keyword Planner Search Volume

As you click this little arrow icon >>, it will show you the review plan on the right-hand side. It shows you the default review data.

You can change the plan by clicking the ‘review plan’ button. Once you put the maximum bid in the ‘enter a bid’ section, the magic happens.

It won’t show you the full potential of the keyword until you put the maximum bid. For that, you need to keep suggesting a bid (like $1000), until it notifies you that the value is too big.

Once you find the maximum valid bid and take your cursor out, it will start showing you the full potential of your keyword regarding impressions.

By default, it shows you the daily forecasts. If you want monthly estimates, multiply the daily impressions value by 30.

Find the exact forecast of your keyword using keyword planner tool

For the keyword ‘chocolate cake recipe’, the maximum average daily search volume is 423 to 517 which is more precise than earlier. And the monthly keyword planner search volume is (423*30 = 12690) to (517*30 = 15510).

You’ve successfully got your keyword monthly search volume by using this method.

Let’s move on to the second method.

2. Using ‘Keyword Anywhere’ chrome extension

One of the best tools I have ever come across. The best thing is it’s free. Let’s see how to find the keyword planner search volume without wasting money.

This method is faster than the first method. Because in the first method, you need to check for every keyword repeatedly which makes the entire process rather slow. So, better you use this method to proceed with it in a quicker manner.

First of all, download the keyword anywhere chrome extension.

Now, go ahead and open your keyword planner tool.

Type in your keyword and hit enter. Within a second it will show you tons of keyword ideas. As you enable the ‘keyword anywhere’ tool, the magic begins.

It adds three new columns in the keyword planner. The search volume, competition, and CPC. The volume column gives you the exact keyword search volume correspondingly.

Find the exact keyword planner search volume by using keyword anywhere tool

Conclusion: Finding Exact Search volume using Google Keyword Planner

I hope this article helps you in your endeavor. However, there are tons of keyword research tools that can help you find the search volume for any keyword.

The Google keyword planner is only an option for newbie bloggers to conduct the keyword research. So I think this could be a better way for those who don’t want to spend money on keyword research.

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Here are a few hand-picked guide for you to read next:

This is a guest post by Shailesh. If you would like to submit something new to ShoutMeLoud, read our submission guidelines.



via ShoutMeLoud

May 17, 2018 at 10:38AM

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